You’ve heard of the Dot Torture Drill. Now it’s time to shoot it.
This is a great marksmanship drill. The DOT TORTURE DRILL. You’ve heard of it, it’s time to shoot it.
Start at 3 yards. You have to get all 50 hits to pass. Once you can shoot the whole drill without a single miss, either increase the distance or shoot it timed. For example, try to finish the drill in under 5 minutes while not missing.
Find the Dot Torture Target here;
1- Warm up, 5 shots (5)
2 – Draw, one shot, 5 times (5)
3, 4 – Draw, one on 3, one on 4, 4 times (8)
5 – Draw, 5 shots, Strong hand (5)
6, 7 – Draw, two on 6, two on 7, 4 times (16)
8 – From low ready, 5 shots Weak hand (5)
9, 10 – Draw, one on 9, reload, one on 10, 3 times (6)
Print the instructions here;
Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Be sure to follow all safety protocols when using firearms or practicing these drills. These drills are provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk.