Instructor Training

Instructors: Understanding the Arizona CCW Permit

Here are some thoughts regarding your role in your student’s CCW permit application process. Acceptable Training for an Arizona CCW Permit.Complete a firearms safety training program pursuant to ARS §13-3112 Obtaining a Permit Applicant Instructions Determine whether you meet the qualifications to obtain a concealed weapon permit: Review the provisions contained in Arizona Revised Statute Title

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The 10 things you should do to be an outstanding Instructor

Be prompt. Don’t penalize those who arrive on time by waiting for others. Arrive early, start on time. Always. Practice the words (The RIGHT words) Practice demonstrations (maintain muzzle discipline, don’t be fumbling) Dress for the occasion. You are an ambassador. Stand up during your class. Walk the room. Throw the podium away. Involve your

The 10 things you should do to be an outstanding Instructor Read More »